As you get older, does the holiday HO HO HO start to shift to NO NO NO? No, I can’t get all my Christmas shopping done. No, I am not in the spirit because I’m quite stressed. No, there isn’t enough time in a day for me to find balance. I think a lot of the holiday stress can be summed up with one of my favorite quotes, “comparison is the thief of joy.” And I’m not just talking…
Skinny Gluten Free French Toast
The holidays are a time to reminisce about childhood. Some of my fondest memories are of my family lounging around the table during Christmas vacation mornings. My sisters and I in flannel PJs and enjoying warm, cinnamon-laced french toast. The smell of cooked bacon mixed with the sweet smells of vanilla and homemade strawberry topping made me feel so cozy and contented. Time stood still. There is still a way to enjoy French toast even if you are living…
Holiday Detox Smoothie
Ok, who else was beyond naughty in their holiday eating last weekend? My license to gorge on everything salty, fatty & sugary started on Wednesday night and ended on Sunday night. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with splurging on Thanksgiving, but I just kept my license to splurge out of my wallet and waved it around every hour on the hour. Crackers? Sure. Pepperoni & pineapple? Why not. Ranch dip on my pepperoni? Wow, why yes, that…
Healthy Dos & Don’ts Of Holiday Car Travel
Today I’m going to talk about the non-glamorous topic of long distance family car travel. I don’t care how fabulous and roomy your vehicle is, if you don’t organize its contents, by the time you get to your destination it will look like a mix of frat house and hurricane bunker. Each year, we take at least two trips up to Philadelphia from Charlotte around the holidays. Just me, Geoff, my 15 and 13-year-old step sons & our two-year-old son….
My Healthy Travel Essential: Lavender Facial Mist
I’m super excited about my Spring & Chelsea redesign. It feels like I’ve moved into a brand new house with more space and modern amenities! To kick off the redesign, I’m introducing a standing series on wellness + travel called My Healthy Trip. Healthy travel isn’t just about avoiding diet pitfalls, it’s also about modifying your fitness routine to fit your temporary schedule, staying hydrated and taking steps to prevent feeling run-down. For the moms out there, it is traveling…
Rearrange Your Pantry and Purchase Healthy Staples
My parents are here visiting me from Michigan for the next two weeks! I have missed them terribly and so I am in heaven. Of course I gave my house an overhaul in preparation for their arrival. One of the things that really needed rearranging was the pantry. Organizing the pantry helped me take stock of what needed to be restocked, but also showed me the staples I already had on the shelves, but didn’t realize because of the clutter. …