Iit’s always nice to go outside for your workout. I like to do a morning workout on the treadmill, along with some interval training and/or my pilates reformer (I work full-time so I get up at 6:15 am) and then log an extra mile in the early evening walking with my son in his stroller. The walk helps clear my head and wind down from the day. It is a way for us to spend quality time together and it…
My Top 3 Exercises for Amazing Results by Guest Author Susie Rahaim
Change is hard for many no doubt. We all like our routines and our favorite foods and just the thought of changing those things makes us uncomfortable. It’s sometimes in these shaky times when we step outside the box and try a new approach that renewal and a new vision for ourselves can be seen. With that said, there are no short cuts when it comes to losing weight and getting healthy. You have to work hard and eat clean…
Stop Snacking While Watching TV
Small healthy changes repeated over and over again are what will change our bodies in time for summer weather. TV is evil when it comes to weight-loss because it is a gateway for mindless eating. For many, it’s the first time of the day that we don’t have to think. There are no executive decisions to be made or pressures from work. It’s so easy to get lost in “your shows” and on days when you don’t have your favorite…
Super Shape Up Tip: Add Five Minutes.
We are three months from bathing suit weather. Three months is a great time frame when trying to create a better body because we physically see the positive results of incorporating multiple, health-focused changes into our daily routine. So often women wait until one month or less before making their big push to get beach body ready. Then when they don’t see the results in time for warmer weather they tend to just give up or opt for drastic, high-drama…
New Year, New You: 3 Ways to Slow Down Your Eating and Calorie Spend
Do you ever eat an energy bar or a candy bar and just cram the entire thing into your mouth in two bites? Ever eat your carefully portioned squares of dark chocolate while surfing the web only to realize that they disappeared in the abyss of your mouth before your web page destination was fully loaded? And do you then feel deprived, ravenous and cheated out of your reward? I know this well. How enjoyable is the experience of eating…
New Year, New You: Coach Before/Mama After by Guest Author Kimberly Novosel
My goal for Count Me Healthy Bracelets, as well as this blog, is to inspire women who care about being their best selves. One of the most authentic ways to do this is to incorporate guest bloggers who specialize in different areas of motivational expertise. Author and self-development expert Kimberly Novosel, shares one of her best-life tips for a healthy 2014. – CC Coach Before/Mama After by Kimberly Novosel It’s a new year, and we’re all feeling really inspired and…