Move Your Spine! by Jessica Heinz In a Pilates workout we move the spine through articulation, flexion, extension, rotation and side bending. This helps keep your spine supple and strong. Begin your workout by taking a few deep breaths. Focus on filling your lungs with air as you inhale and engage your pelvic floor and abdominals as you exhale. This will bring a mindfulness to your whole workout. Lie down on your back with your knees bent, feet on the…
Add Emotional Power! by Guest Author, Kimberly Novosel
Small, healthy changes repeated over and over again are what will change our bodies in time for summer weather. Add emotional power. In a new study, researchers at The University of New Hampshire asked over 200 undergrad students to describe either a positive or negative memory related to exercise. Eight days later, researchers found the students who had shared a positive exercise memory reported exercising more than those who shared a negative one. It wasn’t until I had put one surprising…
My Top 4 Summer Shape Up Guidelines by Wellness Coach, Susie Rahaim
Small healthy changes repeated over and over again are what will change our bodies in time for summer weather. Susie Rahaim, certified wellness coach and creator of the popular site, Real Food, Real Fitness, shares her top four tips (and Tips 23-26 of our Summer Shape Up Series) for getting beach body ready. Enjoy! – CC My Top 4 SUMMER SHAPE UP GUIDELINES Hard to believe summer is here! If you are saying “eeekkkkk” follow these shape up guidelines to…
Get a “My Cup”
It’s no secret that water is key to weight loss and overall wellness. My need to remember to drink more water throughout the day was one of the main reasons I created Count Me Healthy bracelets (for those unfamiliar with my jewelry and how the bracelets work, learn here). I’m a big believer in attempting to make things as efficient as possible because if I didn’t, I would just get overwhelmed and get nothing done. Starting new eating habits? Have…
Infuse Your Water
I have a hard time drinking plain water. You would think it would be a no brainer for me, but it’s not. So to liven up my water I infuse it with things like cucumber, orange, lemon and even strawberry and peach slices. It’s zero calories, so refreshing and gives the water a bit of “flavor substance.” I am against those bottled waters that claim to be good for you because they tout being “low calorie and…
Top 5 Shape Up Tips from Personal Trainer Dana Cooklish
Small healthy changes repeated over and over again are what will change our bodies in time for summer. Dana is a well known ACSM certified personal trainer in Charlotte, North Carolina as well as a registered nurse. Aside from her credentials, she is striking and has one of the most amazing bodies around (she’s the campaign model for the uber-popular Flex & Fit aerial yoga & wellness centers in Charlotte and Chicago). Here she shares her Top 5 Tips (and…