One of the most difficult times of day when it comes to will power and diet for many women is between 4 and 6 pm. Our sugar drops and we start to crave carbs and fat—the satiation from our protein-packed lunches long gone. I find that I will pick at my son Camden’s food since I’m feeding him before the rest of the family AND I will nibble as I prepare the later meal for the rest of the family….
Rearrange Your Pantry and Purchase Healthy Staples
My parents are here visiting me from Michigan for the next two weeks! I have missed them terribly and so I am in heaven. Of course I gave my house an overhaul in preparation for their arrival. One of the things that really needed rearranging was the pantry. Organizing the pantry helped me take stock of what needed to be restocked, but also showed me the staples I already had on the shelves, but didn’t realize because of the clutter. …
Start Brown-Bagging Your Popcorn
Shaping up means reducing carb intake a bit. Some people can follow a strict Paleo lifestyle and I think the world of them (like wellness coach and frequent guest author, Susie Rahaim) because it takes dedication and willpower. Instead of total Paleo, I live gluten-free (for about three years now) but still indulge in 1-2 servings of whole, unprocessed grains a day. Usually, my carb of choice is popcorn. Obviously not all popcorn is a smart choice. We hear about…
Piece Talk! Rethink Your Energy Bar
Small, healthy changes repeated over and over again are what will change our bodies in time for summer weather. We all love convenience. And nothing screams convenient to the diet-conscious and time-drained like energy bars. Grocery stores devote entire aisles to the gooey, chunky, protein-packed blocks tucked into rainbow colored wrappers. They usually tout weight loss and health benefits along with a laundry list or ingredients you’ve never heart of. Despite all of the processed, unhealthy choices, there are a…
Infuse Your Water
I have a hard time drinking plain water. You would think it would be a no brainer for me, but it’s not. So to liven up my water I infuse it with things like cucumber, orange, lemon and even strawberry and peach slices. It’s zero calories, so refreshing and gives the water a bit of “flavor substance.” I am against those bottled waters that claim to be good for you because they tout being “low calorie and…
Chill Out With the FroYo
Nothing is better than ice cream or frozen yogurt on a hot day. It seems like self-serve FroYo locations are as popular as Starbucks, popping up on every corner. Their marketing is genius because they tout the benefits of probiotics and the fact that there is less fat and calories per ounce than eating traditional ice cream. This is true and I adore frozen yogurt, but just like any other food, you need to read the labels (usually on the…