I have a hard time drinking plain water. You would think it would be a no brainer for me, but it’s not. So to liven up my water I infuse it with things like cucumber, orange, lemon and even strawberry and peach slices. It’s zero calories, so refreshing and gives the water a bit of “flavor substance.” I am against those bottled waters that claim to be good for you because they tout being “low calorie and naturally fruit flavored,” but they either have a ton of sugar or are full of artificial ingredients like aspartame. Yuck! The one exception I’ve come across is the HINT Essence brand of bottled water. When I lunch at Whole Foods this is always my go-to beverage (I’m a fan of their Honeydew Hibiscus flavor).
So what is the best way to infuse? I have a fruit infusion pitcher. You can get them at most major retailers such as Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Marshall’s and Walmart. Mine is BPA-free and has a removable fruit infusion rod that can be filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. The rod has open slots that aid in the proper mixing of fruits and liquids. This acrylic pitcher with lid can be refilled without replacing the fruit. Just remember to hand wash because you don’t want it warping in the dishwasher. If you’re on-the-go they also make single-serve fruit infusion water bottles. Sweet!
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